Medusa is a digital painting of a smiling woman with her hair full of ball pythons. I created it with Procreate on my 12.9” iPad Pro and my Apple Pencil.
This idea came to me because as a ball python owner myself, I noticed that many movies, commercials, and ads use ball pythons and portray them as venomous and dangerous. Snakes are always portrayed as a blanketed species. Snakes have many different shapes, sizes, and considerations. Ball pythons are harmless. Their teeth are small and look like fish teeth, or Velcro teeth. They are sweet and curious creatures. If they do strike or bite, they will not hurt you, and they’re probably doing that because they’re hungry and they think they smell a rat. It’s important to educate yourself about the animals around you and to fully appreciate this world we have.
This design shows the sweet nature of ball pythons and it represents the joy of being a snake enthusiast.

Procreate Drawing Time-lapse
Check out my YouTube to see time lapses of paintings, digital art, and more!
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